24 Point Central Vacuum Service

Call Today to schedule our In-Home Routine Service.

This service provides a total system inspection and maintenance in the following areas:


1. Inspect and tighten intake & exhaust line clamps
2. Remove Motor compartment lid & Inspect gasket
3. Inspect Motor – Check for Electrical brush wear
4. Inspect Transformer – Proper out voltage ?
5. Empty Debris bucket
6. Clean Upper Screen or Filter
7. Check operation of Utility Valve – if available
8. Demonstrate proper screen cleaning
9. Measure sealed suction and airflow at unit


10. Measure system sealed suction and airflow at each valve
11. Check for wear on switches
12. Check and / or replace gasket seals
13. Tighten valves to wall as required
14. Verify hose fits securely and seals properly


15. Clean internal tubing – Using NEW Tornado cloths, we pick up debris from the internal system
& verify no obstructions are present in the system.
16. Demonstrate normal Tornado Cloth usage for the homeowner to prevent future debris build up in system
17. Inspect Exhaust tubing and exterior vent for clogs and debris – clean as required


18. Clean all standard tools
19. Disassemble Carpet Brush & clean – One per service (Additional are 22.95)
20. Check hose for clogs & Clean with Tornado Cloth
21. Check that hose rack is secure – Adjust as needed
22. Check that hose sock is securely tied in place(if installed)
23. Demonstrate proper use of accessories
24. Review new accessory options for unique applications

Submit a message on the Contact Us page or call us at (609) 689-3144

Note: Stony Brook Central Vac only provides In-Home service to Southeastern PA, Central and South NJ.

Why Central Vacuum?